Monday, April 14, 2008

You care about my business?

Recently, I had a meeting with a prospective customer. The purpose of the meeting was for our company to learn more about the goals and challenges of a solid company. You see, anyone can come in and assume they have the answers for their problems or challenges. Most likely though you do not know their real challenges or their real needs. It is only after you spend time investigating and having an honest dialogue that you find areas where you can help.

What struck me as odd happened at the end of our meeting. When we were finishing up a comment was made by one of our prospects. He said, " I wish more people would spend time with us like you did today. No one really seems like they want to know more about our business. They just want to sell us some advertising." Now in full disclosure, I will tell you we are not a perfect match to help them with all of their current needs or challenges. But I am confident that as we go forward we can help them in a few areas and we'll find new opportunities as their business changes.

At Fastline we are constantly trying to distinguish ourselves by bringing a unique and specific criteria to how we try to earn your business: We are going to learn about yours, where you'll allow us to, and base our program solutions upon your needs. Hey, we're not perfect and we may not always have the right solution but we're not going to sell you an ad just because we want to sell an ad. Sometimes that is appropriate...print advertising in our publications has been known to help a lot of good companies but I for one want to make sure it is a well thought out campaign that has a clear goal and a way to measure it.

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