Sunday, June 8, 2008

How's the weather out there?

I have been traveling this past week and have had some interesting run- ins with some incredible weather. On Tuesday afternoon I was in Cincinnati at the airport (techincally it's in northern KY but they don't really make too much hype about that!). The weather took a nasty turn and before you knew it they were on the loudspeaker issuing a weather emergency. A tornado warning had been issued and all people in the airport were to go to the southeast corner of the building and stay away from windows. That was followed by a trip to the basement where a couple of hundred of us were shuttled to wait out the storm.

When I woke up on Thursday morning in my hotel at 4:45 am in Madison, WI the rain was coming down like crazy. There was incredible thunder and lightning. I thought I may in store for part duex of the tornado show but I was fortunate that the violent weather stayed east of Madison.

So what do these weather stories have to do with a blog about business and marketing? The reality is we have control over a lot in our lives, work, and businesses. However, in our industry, the weather plays a critical role in the life of so many farmers. All the preparation, planning, and proper execution is done on the growers side only to have weather conditions alter all the hard work. Keep you eyes on the Mid West over the next few weeks as that will tell the story of how high corn and soybean prices will go. It has been cool and wet out there and planting was done late. There are concerns about yields and that will dictate commodity prices. We could see record highs in the weeks to come.

One last thankful for each beautiful day in your part of the world and remember how it affects food production

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