Tuesday, October 7, 2008

28 Days....

We are getting closer to Election Day and I think we are in for the longest 28 days ever. If you are like me you want real answers to real issues and I fear we will get caught up in the peripheral items that don't really matter. The next President is going to need solutions to financial issues not seen for many years. There are a lot of people responsible for the mess we are in....yes both Democrats and Republicans have their hands in this debacle.

I have serious concerns with the money that Freddie Mac CEO Raines made ($50 million plus) as they were losing money and hiding the fact that they were in financial distress. It is the same thing with Lehman Bros. CEO and key execs making big dollars as the company was failing and looking for a government bailout.

Bottom line is most Americans aren't happy with the state of our representation not just in the White House but in Congress. I think we need to consider looking to the average American and find about 350 of them that are level headed that should serve in congress. That would be enough of a shift to thwart the current lobbyist influenced group that resides in DC. A group that more often is concerned with re-election and pork for their district than doing what's right for the American people.

Do you think the current leadership in congress is looking out for you? Do you think the bailout was an effective use of tax dollars? Think again!


J's Daily Videos said...
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Stine said...

BTW-- OBAMA WON (more than 28 days ago!)

J's Daily Videos said...

When are you going to update this??? Tueday Obama will be President.